Aug 2021 - Present
Hired as a Web Developer, over the course of my tenure at Redacted & Co., my responsibilities expanded to additionally include building:
- hardware-to-cloud packet schema design & communication protocol
- real-time time-series data ingest & processing infrastructure
- deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
- developer tooling and SDK code-generation
- user read/write access controls across the multi-tenant web application
- event-driven, user-configurable notification subscriptions system
- an internal documentation site
- Re-architected and rewrote the database, API, and UI of the Customer Asset Tree, bringing page loads from 10s to less than a second for our largest customers, and elimitinating jarring UI rendering freezes.
- Reworked cloud-managed Hardware Settings packet, database schema, and web UI, enabling novel settings formats, while maintaining full backwards compatibility for old hardware that could not be upgraded.
- Rewrote API Integration Test orchestration, decreasing sporadic failure rate substantially -enabling alarms- and cutting average test execution time in half.
Tech Stack:
- Backend - PostgreSQL, ASP.NET (C#) API, Entity Framework Core, Swagger/OpenAPI, AWS, Hangfire, MongoDB (DocDB), Redis
- Frontend - React Framework & TypeScript
Technical Projects
Sept 2020 - Jan 2021
| Archived
An auto-updating companion app for the popular online game, Path of Exile.
- Backend - NodeJS server on Linux, load-balanced via HAProxy, using Cloudflare CDN. Python scripts update site content from the game’s files.
- Frontend - HTML, CSS, JS. Utilized the GSAP and PixiJS Libraries for animation and 2D-rendering of interactive assets.
- Created a ”plugins” system, enabling integration of community-authored tools into the site.
Dec 2020
- The Beyond20 browser extension has over 300,000 users (as of March 2021) and a 5-star rating across multiple browsers.
- Authored the ”custom roll text” feature, using Regex to tokenize and parse user input, and fixed several bugs in their JavaScript codebase.
Jan 2019 - Present
| Actively Maintained
Searchable, self-updating mod registry.
- Backend - ASP.NET Core (C#) API + Node JS server,running in a Rocky (Linux) environment, load-balanced via HAProxy, using Cloudflare CDN.
- Self-updater - .NET background worker pulls data from several foreign APIs, to be normalized, correlated, and stored in a PostgreSQL database, used by the API.
- Frontend - HTML, CSS, TS. Utilized ’fuzzysort’ library for search functionality